How you can support Love Your Liver week

Posted on: 29th May 2018

From 18th to 24th June 2018, it is Love Your Liver week, which takes place every year to raise awareness across the UK of the risk factors of liver disease and improve screening and early diagnosis.

Research shows that three quarters of people are currently diagnosed with liver disease in a hospital setting when they already have serious problems, and by this time for many it is too late. It is the only major cause of death still increasing year-on-year.  More than one in five of us are affected and the condition kills more people than breast cancer.

Liver disease is largely preventable. More than 90% is due to three main risk factors: alcohol, obesity and viral hepatitis.

You can support us during Love Your Liver week or any time of the year by:

1. Putting up posters or distributing leaflets. Could you put up a poster in local shops, libraries, GP waiting rooms, community centres? Are you a healthcare professional – could you put up materials in your local hospital?

2. Hosting a liver health information stand in your workplace, local community, hospital or sports centre.

3. Making a donation to help fight liver disease today.

4. Running a fundraising event in your area. We have lots of ideas – from coffee mornings to sporting challenges.

5. Posting details on Twitter or Facebook including a link to our screener.

Email us on or call us on 01425 481320 to order materials.